
Town of

Animal Control Officer
Dave Whalen



animal control

The Town's Animal Control Officer (ACO) is trained and certified by the NYS DEC to respond to incidents involving nuisance wildlife and scenarios involving domesticated animals. Our ACO only responds to incidents occurring in the Town of Minetto.


PLEASE license your dog! All dog owners in NY State are required to license their dog in accordance with NYS Agriculture and Markets law, Not only does licensing your dog comply with NYS A&M Law, it could expedite your pet's return and save you a trip to the Oswego Animal Shelter. The fees associated with sheltering are MUCH more costly than the price of the license. When our residents license their dog it is automatically listed in the Town's dog census database. In the event your dog should wander off, our ACO can easily determine which family is missing their four legged member.


Our ACO is a part-time on call position.