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What is a Little Free Library?

- A Little Free Library is a “Take a book, leave a book” exchange system.

- They primarily target children, teenagers, and young adults.

- They allow children free and easy access to books, which help create a love of literacy.

- Additionally, they bring together the community to support youth reading.


This is the story of Minetto’s Little Free Library:While growing up Michael Paestella noticed that other communities he visited had Little Free Libraries. Michael knew that he wanted to help area youth through his Eagle Project, which led to his desire to provide a Little Free Library to the Town of Minetto. The journey to the installation of the Little Free Library began in April 2021, when Michael went before the Minetto Town Board to present the idea. The Minetto Town Board approved the project, and continued to support him throughout his endeavor. After Town Board approval, Michael had to have his project approved by his local Boy Scout Troop, Troop 888, and the Longhouse Council Eagle Board. Michael was able to purchase the Little Free Library and post due to a generous donation from a community member. After this donation and the approvals in June, he launched into the main part of the project, the building and installation phase. When the library arrived, Michael assembled it, with help from his grandfather. He assembled the post with help from his parents. After these parts were assembled he was ready to install the library outside of the Minetto Town Hall and next to the Tiny Tots Park. On Saturday September 18 2021, Michael installed the library. Due to generous book donations from the community and Troop 888, Michael will have enough books to stock the Library through the end of 2021. After that, the Oswego City-County Youth Bureau will restock and care for the Library as part of their Little Free Library program. Michael would like to thank Troop 888, the generous community donor, the Minetto Town Board, and the Oswego City-County Youth Bureau for all of their help and support through this project.