
Town of

minetto Beautification CommiTtee

On September 11, 2000, Elva Stark went to the Minetto Town Board to ask if a Minetto Beautification Committee could be formed. Since that time, the committee has accomplished many visible Minetto Beautification projects.  

The projects started with two town signs welcoming travelers to Minetto and the current Minetto Town Hall sign.

In 2001 we created the garden under the new signs. Other projects that year included purchasing American Flags, decorating the Town Hall inside and outside for the town Christmas party.  

In 2002, the town asked the committee to plant the Veteran’s Memorial Monument in River View Park and new snowflakes were purchased for the winter season. The first “Magic in Minetto” town festival was in August 2002. This allowed us to have a booth to raise money for spring bulbs for the park’s monument garden. Shortly after that, in September we decorated the town for fall.  

In 2003, we purchased barrels for the River View Park and planted them with flowers. Magic in Minetto again allowed us to receive donations for the carts in our River View Park.  Carts appeared in the park the next spring. The carts have been refurbished once since purchase. In our first years, the park concrete planters were moved from the DuBois Hotel to the River View Park.  Historically, the Minetto Boy Scout troop painted the planters.  Last year, the Highway Department leveled the planters and then planters were painted.

Since these early days, the committee has participated in all 16 annual New York State’s Canal Clean Sweep held each year in April.  

Still today, we plant and maintain all the flowers in the River View Park and the Town Hall sign. Our committee’s work has always been appreciated by many using the park and the canal. It is common to receive complements on our park and gardens while we water, weed, prune, and hang string lights for park evening decorations.  

We take pride in our town, and we welcome anyone to the committee that would like to participate. Our photos depict some of our participants through the years keeping our park and town clean and colorful. A special thank you from the committee to the Minetto Town Board and the Highway Department members who have supported us throughout our 22 years.

Members of the Oswego Garden Club approached the Minetto Beautification Committee offering to create landscaping in front of the gazebo at Sunken Garden Park. Both groups worked together to create this wonderful enhancement to our park. We wish to sincerely thank the Oswego Garden Club for taking an interest in our park and our Minetto Beautification Committee for facilitating this great community project.