
Town of

town paving

There are over 19 lane miles of roads in the Town of Minetto including multiple cul-de-sacs. The Highway Department maintains a Scheduled Street Paving Program. In 2020 we completed a multi-year paving program that featured the resurfacing of every town owned street. Over time, as the surface pavement deteriorates we will once again plan to rehabilitate several miles of streets. Repaving extends the lifespan of a street many years.

The Town of Minetto does not own their own paving equipment. We contract with a private contractor to perform the work.  Our goal each year to maximize the lane miles paved at the best pricing, without compromising the quality of the work performed.

Paving FAQ's

1. How does the paving process work?

One week or so before paving begins the highway crew will prep the road to be paved. This may include milling out the start and stop points on the roads where new asphalt will be laid. Milling out the ends of residential driveways so the new asphalt road will match up to the ends of the driveway may occur. Installing road work signs and delivering notices to residents when work will begin.          

2. How long does a newly paved road last?

In the Central New York region, a newly constructed asphalt road can last for a decade with only the top surface course being placed and/or replaced every 10 to 15 years depending on traffic volume.

3. What is hot asphalt mix?

Hot mix asphalt consists of a mixture of stone and recycled asphalt pavement (about 95 percent) and a glue-like liquid asphalt (about 5 percent) which holds the stones together in a tough matrix that resists the stresses induced by traffic and other loadings. By varying the size and shape of the stones and the type and liquid amounts, hot mix asphalt is a unique product that is safe and cost-effective manner.

4. Is hot asphalt mix safe?

Yes. Hot mix asphalt is not considered a major source of pollution by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This designation means that, in the opinion of certified and accredited professional toxicologists at the EPA, even the largest hot mix asphalt plants do not emit significant quantities of air pollutants.  

5. Why are there flagmen on the job?

There are flagmen on every paving job. The flagmen will be at each end of the street. They are out there not only for the safety on the crew but also the safety of the public. They will instruct you on which side of the road you may travel. If there is any questions on what you should do don't hesitate to ask one of the flagmen.